
La Merce Lightshow

September 25, 2010
I am so glad I was able to be in Barcelona for the La Merce festival that goes on once a year and to see the amazing things that go on for the weekend. I felt like a little kid again going from activity to activity and being so amused and entertained by the performances! One performance that really blew my mind was the lightshow held on the last night in Parc Ciutadella. I knew there was one going on, but I had no idea how amazing it would be, I never imagined something so cool! Everyone stood toward the entrance of the park, around where the gates are, and faced inward. The lightshow included colorful lights, a fog machine and some great music to perfectly accompany the ever- changing lights. The soundtrack went along just right with the lights, when the music was fast, the lights were going crazy in all directions and with all different colors. When the music was slower, the lights would creep up and down and build up for what was to come next. One of my favorite displays was when the lights would go in circular motion and make you feel like you were being sucked into an O zone layer. The fog around was perfect too because it really distinguished the lights and colors and blocked out the rest of reality. It went on for several minutes and played twice over and I definitely stayed for both shows. I have really never seen something like it or even something comparable and it really makes me think about how much time and effort went into coordinating the lights and music to make everything to great. All the families and kids and people really enjoyed it and I’m glad I got it on video because it’s something I will never forget. 

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